300 Fraser Purchase Rd
Latrobe, PA 15650-2690

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Memorial Day Preparations, 2019

There will be a service at 9 a.m. Monday, May 27, 2019 at the Mary Mother of Mercy Mausoleum Chapel at Saint Vincent Cemetery honoring those men and women who died while serving their country, as well as all veterans of the United States Armed Forces, living and deceased.

Although Memorial Day is generally reserved for honoring those who died while serving their country, Cemetery Manager Dennis Garman, himself a U.S. Army veteran, wanted to ensure that all veterans and their families know their service is appreciated. Thus volunteers place approximately 1,100 flags on the graves of veterans at the Saint Vincent Cemetery and the mausoleum just prior to Memorial Day, which remain in place through Veterans Day in November, the day which honors all veterans. These flags also honor many of the monks who have served. The flags and flag holders are donated by the Thomas B. Anderson American Legion Post of Latrobe.

The son of cemetery sales counselor Caroline Kollar, Robbie Kollar, became interested in documenting the graves of veterans four years ago, and has devoted nearly 150 hours of his time recording information on them, starting in the summer of 2015. He entered the information into a database. Robbie Kollar is majoring in studio art with a minor in history at Saint Vincent.

Caroline and Robbie Kollar, as well as Robbie’s brother Alex, helped Garman and cemetery employee Lisa Sisak place the hundreds of flags on the gravesites this year. Alex Kollar is a 2019 graduate of Saint Vincent College, with a bachelor of science degree in biology.

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New Maps

Cemetery Manager Dennis Garman has undertaken a project to redraw the old plot maps of various sections of the Saint Vincent Cemetery. It is not

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